Have you been wanting to get a massage with a professional that genuinely cares for your well-being? Are you searching to find a place that will provide a relaxing facial with guidance where you work together toward a goal? Do you need help with chronic pain from stiffness in your back that requires help stretching? Well, the answer to whatever ails you is right here in the Spring Hill community, and you can enjoy all these services at once! Massage Envy of Spring Hill opened its doors shortly before Christmas 2023 on Port Royal Road and has been welcoming customers since.

About the owner, Amanda Jerkins
Amanda Jerkins owns and operates Spring Hill’s Massage Envy. Many great businesses are born from a need, and this one is no exception. A mom of two small children, Amanda found herself struggling to make the time necessary for not only self care, but pain relief for her chronic migraines. She was a Massage Envy member for years, and enjoyed the continuity between locations; but did not always have time to make the drive for the care she needed. Her husband, Luke, jokingly said that she should just open her own Massage Envy here in Spring Hill. Realizing there were other people in the community that might feel the same, Amanda began planning to make Massage Envy of Spring Hill a reality.
“It really just spawned from my own lack of self-care and my wellness journey into, ‘you know, I would really love to provide a space to help others.” “That’s what it’s become for me and my team; having this space to help others,” explained Jerkins.

An Award-Winning Business
The Spring Hill Chamber of Commerce awarded Massage Envy New Member of the Year in 2023. Amanda and her team strive to help the community outside the clinic by local volunteering and fund-raising events. Amanda is currently volunteering on the Chamber of Commerce Marketing Board and A Hero of the Year Candidate for the Boys and Girls Club of South-Central Tennessee.

What Can You Expect
Out of the 11 rooms, this new location includes a couple’s massage room, and five dual service massage rooms for those who wish to pair skincare with their massage. Massage Envy offers Memberships at $75/month for your choice of a Massage, Facial, or Stretch! Members receive one credit per month to choose either a massage, facial, or stretch session. Credits do not expire, they roll over, and can be combined. They also offer advanced services! Skin care services such as Dermaplane, Oxygenating Facial, Chemical Peel and Microdermabrasion! Also, massage enhancements like Himalayan Salt Stones, Cupping, and CBD Lotion.

Book an appointment
Call for any questions, stop by for a tour ,and book your self-care session! 4884 Port Royal Road, Suite #140 in Spring Hill; or call 931-499-7030. For online booking, Massage Envy makes it easy with their website (www.massageenvy.com) or app.
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